Friday, January 6, 2012

In 2012...

Last year was a big year for me... or was it?  I did do the photos for two weddings, but they turned out great and I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses in photography.  I did return to work full time, but that has turned out pretty good and I'm loving my job.  I did put Sam into the care of someone else, but that turned out to be one of the very best decisions I've ever made in my life.  I did help motivate a school to raise nearly $6000 for Cancer research resulting in a shaved head, but it's "shaved" 12 years of my life (as my Aunt said I looked like I did in high school again) and I can go from bed to shower to car within 20 minutes!  I did co-coach a jr high boys volleyball team to a first place victory, but I don't think that bring me to the next level of awesome (or maybe it does!)  2011 was alright... like a start to something great and this is where 2012 comes in.

I've just got a feeling that this year is going to be frickin' amazing.  I don't know what it is.  Perhaps I'm in a better head space coming into this year.  Happier in my job, my family, my health and my home.  I've been able to let go of the things that got to me and realized how much happier I am without worrying about stuff that will never change.  I've made it my mission to seek out things on a daily basis that make me happy... funny and supportive women at work with their never ending student stories and encouragement, students who make me laugh and want to spend time with me, basketball.  I haven't shot this many hoops since... oh my... maybe 2000.  I'm in love with the sport again, even if it is just taking shots amongst a random 100 students with variety of skill and motivation to be in the gym.  I don't think I could run the court for more than a few minutes.  Last year that would have been a very frustrating fact... this year, I'm ok with shooting hoops.  I also tried rollerskating.  It's soooo much fun.  I was entirely happy with those four ancient wheels on my feet.  I was fairly shaky, rated somewhere between nightmare on wheels and nearly stable, I even burned a hole in my favourite pants after a slow motion splat.  But it was awesome.  Not just rollerskating, but trying something I've never tried before and realizing that I LOVED it.  2012 will be the year of trying something new.  New activity, new food, new attitude, new outfit, lots of new!  Another great thing that I've realized as I head into 2012 is that I have an amazing family.  I have always been very proud of the husband I have - he supports me, laughs with me, lets me cry, cooks and cleans, fixes crap... he's great.  But in 2011 he brought his game to a new level and I appreciated all the time he spent supporting me.  I could get into it more, but instead I'll just leave it and say he's the best.  You should be jealous.  And Sam.  Come on.  He could possibly be the funniest little boy in the world.  Boy of a million faces, dance moves, songs, jokes, smiles, snuggles.  He is becoming more and more handsome, independent and brilliant.  He is nearly three... how on earth did that happen!?!?!?  Once again, I have the best.

Or perhaps I've decided that this year is going to be amazing because of the looming fear that the world is going to end in just over 11 months.  I'm not a believer, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think to myself a couple times "But what if".  So, as much BS as it seems to be, what's wrong with living this year like its our last?  Just deciding to be happy and that what we have is good enough, and if it's not then doing something about it.  Maybe it's some big scheme to get people to be a little more grateful, love their families a little more, hold their babies closer, appreciate their jobs or friends or free time.  

Regardless of whether its an improved attitude on my part or that we're coming closer to our expiration date, 2012 is going to be fab.  I can just tell.

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