Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Improved Version of 25 Things about Me

A friend of mine blogged her 25 Things list and I loved it.  I had done one 2 weeks before Sam was born, so I went back and read it.  Crazy that I laughed at somethings about myself that I forgot at one time how important they were!  So here is my new list... some the same and many different.  I make no apologies for how odd I am, and here is a little insight into me!

1) I cried when my doctor put me on medical leave... I really loved my job that much.  Then I cried when I had to return because I love my baby so much more.  I thought being a teacher was the definition of me, but it seems it is just a day job.
2) I could eat chocolate with/for every meal (and I have!)
3) I believe there are two phrases that can change the outlook of someone's day... "Thank you" and "I love you".
4) I like to shop at Walmart because there are so many interesting people to watch there and I never feel embarrassed about my baggy sweats!
5) I spend a lot of time thinking of my friends (old and new) and hope they know how much I appreciate them.
6) I have a fear of big dogs (I like them as long as they are no where near me.) If the dog is too big for me to punt away if I get scared, then it's too big.
7) I know a lot of really great moms.  I feel spoiled having them all in my life.  My mom, my mom-inlaw, my step sisters, (the newest one) my sister, aunts, granny, friends... all solid moms that I can steal their great ideas for my own life.
8) I wish that one day photographs I've taken will be somewhere for everyone to see.
9) Sometimes I wake up early enough that I eat breakfast twice in one day.
10) I am a proud Coronation Street fan (I've even got a teapot to prove it!)  Don't knock it until you've tried it... seriously!
11) Self proclaimed plant geek... I will catch myself checking the soil at other people's house to see if their plants need water.  What!?!  I care about them little critters!
12) I have a secret obsession with my hair, it can make or break my day.  It's like an untamable beast that runs my life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I love a challenge, dammit!
13) My cousins are more like siblings to me. I love them sooo much.
14) I want to see Greece so badly... more than any other place in the whole world.  I've got a plan, a 5 year plan.
15) I still wear t-shirts that I won in high school sporting events as PJs. Does that mean I'm living in the past? 
16) The best feeling is laughing so hard I cry.
17) I used to love to dance.  My girlfriends and I used to have a 'mini dance party' every weekend while getting ready to go out.  It was the favorite part of my whole night.  Sam and I have brought back the mini dance party... this one sometimes involves Raffi, but I'm not complaining!
18) I truly believe I married the male version of myself... it's probably why I think he's so great!!  I was insanely in love with him when I was in gr 8 and he was in gr 12.  I thought he was movie star material, I knew at what time of day he would have to pass my locker to get to class and come hell or high water I would be there!  When I met him as an adult, all I wanted was to get to shake his hand and I could die happy.  8 years later here we are and he's even greater than my junior high dreams had imagined.
19) I only like to park to the left.
20) Doing laundry is my favorite chore. Anything to do with poo is my least favorite.
21) One time walking back to my table at a resturant I saw a can of whip cream on the bar. I (for some unknown reason) made the noise whip cream makes when it comes out of that container (go ahead, make the noise). At that very moment a server came around the corner, hearing the noise and said to me "Whip cream." Strange moment, but I felt like he understood me.
22) I might have a facebook addiction. Maybe.
23) I have a childhood memory of seeing an angel. I was 5(ish) and I HONESTLY believe I saw her.
24) I think napping is the key to happiness... not just for babies but everyone could do with a good nap.  The world would be a better place.
25) I have actually grown to like myself more over the past couple years than I ever have in the past. I'm surrounded with intelligent, genuine people who bring out the best in me. I have realized many life goals and see myself as a strong and successful woman.


  1. LOVE it! The paring to the left thing is hilarious!

  2. You are the absolutely perfect You! Reading your list made me smile and tear and laugh (particularly the whip cream story, seriously, it is going to bring me smiles all day long).
