Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm "Fall"ing Behind on my Blog!

Oh my, it seems this blog has turned into a monthly occurrence rather than a daily or monthly post.  It's not that I don't enjoy blogging anymore or that we've stopped having fun.  I just have been so busy with work this fall that I haven't found the time to get on my computer and showcase my growing boy. So here is a little glimpse of what this fall has looked like... enjoy!  Sammy gets cuter by the day!
My boys enjoying farm life on Thanksgiving... so much to be grateful this year!
Thanksgiving crafts made at school and the pumpkin Sam grew in his garden.
Spent a day at Gramma Bee's for her birthday.  The kids got up to all sorts of fun.  A very serious pumpkin painter.
A less serious pumpkin painter!!!
Making ghost goop... fun fun fun!
Halloween party at our friend, Andreas' house.  Two Batman's and a Santa.
Sam wasn't into cleaning out the pumpkin.  He didn't like 'the yucky stuff'.
Sam carving his pumpkin.  It looks a lot more dangerous than it was. 
Getting down to carve!  And yes, he is wearing a pig nose.  Why?  I'm not sure but it was hilarious!
A chubby Batman!  He was so cute with his snowsuit on under the costume.  He was determined to trick or treat the whole block.  He wanted to do "5 and 5 houses"!  It was super chilly, but this brave Batman filled his little treat bag up without any complaints.  I'm pretty sure the whinest trick or treater was mom!
At the end of our adventure we got a visit from Sam's friend Smith who was dressed up as Max.  SUPER CUTE!  Sam was so excited to show Smith his house looking all "spooky"!
I dressed up as a hero too... I was SuperMandi complete with tutu and cape.  FUN!
A perfect ending to a month of fun.  Sammy came home from school with so many wonderful Halloween treasures.  He told us that his house was the 'spookiest'.
Funny things Sam said this month:
1) If a dinosaur stepped on me would I be as flat as a snake?
2) If that dinosaur bit a whale would it sink?
3) If a bear was in our back yard, would it make a house of sticks?

Sam also has began to swim without a life jacket in the deep pool.  He can swim about a meter or two under the water.  We are so so so proud of him!

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