Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Wait... Where did September Go?!?!

Wow!  Time flies when you are having fun... it also flies when you are opening a new school in a position you've never been in before with all new staff doing as much as you possibly can to complete your to do list but somehow it is always longer at the end of the day.  All that said, I'm nothing short of incredibly lucky and unbelievably grateful to have been selected to be associated with this school.  Our name sake, our principal, the staff and the students are amazing.  It's inspiring to be part of this group and to believe that there is a reason that I'm the one taking this adventure.  I'm not even going to lie and say I haven't had a good old fashion cry or two... but I've been challenged to reach my potential.  Sounds funny, but I truly don't think I've ever had to work my very hardest every single day and come up with how to do my job the best it possibly can be done.  Every day is a first... first time with kids, first gym strip ever given out, first squads, first lesson, first injury, first athletic event, first goal, first assembly and the list goes on and on and on.  Each day I wander home absolutely exhausted, but so excited to return in the morning.  I do miss my friends from CMAC... soooo much.  However, they are wonderful people and I know they'll always be part of my life.  The good ones, anyhow! ;)

So yes, to say the least, September has been a little busy.  I want to reassure everyone that my time with my two boys has been fun and busy too.  I'm so blessed to have a supportive husband who knows and values the importance of the time I spend setting up my program at school.  We've done a lot of fun family things this month.  I'm not neglecting them completely... I promise!

Here are the highlights!
Big Hill Springs Park... we visit it each fall.  This is my new favourite photo.  I love these guys.
Heading out on an adventure.
This year was our first time climbing to the top of the hill (or mountain as Sam told us.)  It's a beautiful view.
Further along the path we found another surprise... a Tipi!  Sam was a little cautious around it.   I highly recommend walking the whole loop at this park.  It's not too far and I only had to piggy back Sam for the last 1/3 of it!  Mostly down hill.  Love it!
We spent an evening flying kites.  Sam got a cool super hero kite from Great Auntie Bobbi for Easter and we finally got out to fly it.  It was super light weight and great size for Sammy to fly it all on his own.  He was very proud of this independence and his skills!  Our other kite is quite heavy and I honestly don't think Shaun really trusts me to fly it unsupervised (joking!  Well mostly joking).   
"Green Batman" kite and it's biggest fan!
My guys with their eyes on the sky.
Cute photo opp!
My favourite little face in the entire world.  I can't help but smile looking at this squinty eyed boy.
We bought Sammy a ball and bat.  We took it to the park and knew in the back of our mind that we were probably setting ourselves us for a major melt down.  We were sooooo wrong!  The kid is a natural.  He can hit a ball that is pitched to him!  It's amazing.  Granted, he is the only 3 year old that I've ever watched play baseball, I still think he might be the next big thing on the diamond.  Like a mini Babe Ruth!
You can see the ball in between Shaun and Sam... Sam was cranking it!   And the best thing was that he wanted to chase his own hits!!  PERFECT!

After the Spartan race, Sam was certain that he needed a race sign for his daddy because he saw other kids with one at the last race.  So, I made one (Sam did the drawing to the right of the first go... it's a juicebox... I think he's a little bit of an addict.)  It was a HUGE hit at the 10km run that Shaun did in Canmore.  Sam's sign says "My Dad is faster than your Dad."  I thought I then needed a sign to carry that said "My kid is cooler than your kid!"  I may be biased though.
Pre-race... what a goof ball!
Post-race... so proud of his dad!
Another event we attended was the Twilight Festival in our neighbourhood.  It was a cool little evening event with bouncy houses and games and food trucks and activities and fireworks.  So many people turned up.  It sort of felt like one of those block parties that are only on TV or the movies... I loved it!
Giant bouncy house slide!
Shaun and I were judged more than once by the bouncy house supervisors for allowing (and insisting that) Sam  was able to conquer the giant obstacles alone.  There were a few times that I hesitated but Sam is a little monkey and could keep up to kids at least double his age (yes, I know that's only a 6 year old!)
This was one of the highlights for Sam.  They blew up with hot air balloon on the field of the festival.  It was surprising how large it actually was!  Sam couldn't even believe it... the hot air da-bloom!
Apparently I was sort of excited about the balloon as well!
Blooper reel!  
Two handsome faces getting pumped for the fireworks!
They released a bunch of paper lanterns on the little creek lit with candles.  They were super pretty.  Sam and I got reprimanded but a firefighter for being too close to the water in the dark... once again, not my finest parenting moment but it was real pretty!
We stopped at the doughnut food truck.  We each got a treat and we were certain that Sammy would only have a couple bites and not want it anymore.  Once again, we were wrong.  He ate that entire GIANT doughnut at 9:30pm... ooooppps.
Sharing, but not happy about it.
I was trying to get a shot of Sammy looking at the fireworks but the flash distracted him.  He also told me to stop "flashing him".  Just for the recording, it was the camera doing the flashing not me!!!

So excited for the fireworks.  They were beautiful.  It was a really good show with music and all!

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