Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lucky Week 6 - Ok, there's nothing more or less lucky about it then the other weeks...

The summer fun continues...

On Monday we got Sam's school bus pass in the mail.  He was SOOOO excited!  He was even acting out how he'd grab his pass, walk to the stop and board the bus.  Oh jeeze, Mom's kindergarten panic is kicking it up a notch. 
We had another day at Calaway Park with our good friends Tat and Jack.  These two cool dudes cruising the waters!
Oh my love!
Quick pit stop to play Stinky Feet!
Sam and Tat played this water spraying game.  Jack and I wanted nothing to do with it.  It was definitely the highlight of this trip to Calaway for Sam.  Oh Tat - how I love you, let me count the ways!!!  Tat is a ball of energy and ALWAYS up for a good time.  She says what's on her mind and keeps everyone laughing.  She is unconditionally persistent in her  love and support as a mom.  She gives Jack the world and never hesitates to get in there and play with the kids.  I adore her honesty, good heart, inappropriateness, hard work, CRAZY amount of organization and love for life.
We had some insane weather in Airdrie this week.  I've never seen anything like it.  This is the cloud I watched roll over my home.  Though many houses were rampaged and many vehicles destroyed by the intense weather, we never saw a bit of damage.  I guess that is a very lucky thing to happen on week 7!
Sam did swimming lessons this week.  Each day he became more and more brave.  No tears and tons of giant smiles.  He passed and is on the last level of this portion of swimming lessons.  One proud mommy!

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