Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Exploring Southern Alberta

This is the week of our annual family camp trip.  The trip was planned for a location in Alberta this year which would have been a nice close adventure... sadly Vannie's engine is still broken.  Well, that's not true... it's removed, parts rebuilt and a 'new' one is sitting in our garage.  So, truthfully, Vannie is currently engineless so we had no way to camp.  I'm absolutely not into tenting with my guys, it actually gives me the shivers just thinking of the three of us in our little tent.  For this year, we went for a day trip and because the campsite was only in Fort Macleod it was do-able!

I think one day this will make a great photo to show his future wife... yep, he liked to learn things the hard way!
Here is most of the crew (obviously not me, can just see Sam's hat in the back seat and Grandpa Trev's hand in the front seat) on the shuttle up to the Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump... rowdiest group I've even had to take on a bus before and I've taken a tons of rowdy bus rides! ;)
Sammy and Gramma Bee posing with the buffalo.  First one we saw... first of many... but it was really exciting!
Hey guys, wait up for me!  Heading out to the cliffs to take a peek!
My boys looking across Southern AB
Our herd (minus the Great Grandparents who stayed in the museum)
Sam listening very carefully about the buffalo jump and why it was used.  Very thoughtful little face.
Taking it all in.
Checking out the museum with Gramma B and the GREAT Aunties!
Bunch of bums.
Love this photo.  Sam is showing my grandparents the coin he made inside and teaching them all the things he learned.  So sweet.
More teaching and learning.  He's got them captivated.  Some of my most memorable summers were spent with these two amazing people.  They always have time for a tea or to hear a story or to tell a story.  They are a gift in my life... I am so grateful for them.
What would be a family camp trip without some crazy theme night!?!?!  This year was Bobbi's Bebop Burgers!  We had a chip buffet, listened to Oldies, the Aunties dressed in '50s gear and we had a muscle car race track.  Sam thought it was the coolest.  He's just about to race his down to cousin Maegan and Big Bob.
At the finish line!

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