Monday, February 28, 2011

The Joy of Love... last day

28 the future
Well, I wasn't able to stick with it like I had hoped but it did give me a goal somedays.  It let me look at my life differently and appreciate some of the little things of my life.
Today's task... the future.  I wasn't sure how to capture this.  It did, however, get my wheels turning and thinking about the future.  What does life hold for Sam?  Who will he grow to be, meet, love?  
Today he caught a ball.  More than once.  I felt my heart grow.  I know it seems like no big deal, but to me it was amazing.  My kid can catch a ball.  That's soul food for a PE teacher momma!  I suddenly started picturing him shooting the winning basket, intercepting a pass and scoring a touch down, doing a crazy scissor kick and scoring on the best goalie in the league... then I came back to earth to see my bright eyed boy holding his Dora ball waiting for mommy to be ready to catch.
A good friend of mine said to me today "Can you believe that you and Shaun have made the sweetest little boy ever?"  I truly can't.  I can only dream of the person he is going to be.  I don't know if he'll be a super star or famous or brilliant, but I do know he will make the lives of all the people who meet him just a little better.  He has a little sparkle to him that makes him special.  I'm proud of my babe, more than anything.  Look out world, Samuel Connolley is growing up fast and has big plans for you!

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