Friday, December 10, 2010

CCC Day 10 - Woke up to Fresh Snowfall

Sam came downstairs this morning to find out it had snowed... in the livingroom!!!!  I used packing paper (again with my recycling obsession) to put a 'snow drift' in the house.  He couldn't even believe his eyes!  He said "cold" and then touched it... then jumped right it!
Puppy hopped in too!!!

Jumping into the snow drift!
Diggin' in the snow!
Making a snowball... we could hear daddy getting ready upstairs so we decided that we'd ambush him!  We made a bunch of snowballs...
AND BAM!!!!  We got him when he came down.  Didn't even see it coming.  Sam thought it was so hilarious that he didn't really help me, but I appreciated how funny he thinks we are!
It's a stand-off!
Best indoor snowball fight of 2010 for sure!


  1. oh my goodness I LOVE this idea too! What a ton of very special memories you have made for your little man!

  2. You are so creative! What a great way to wake up. I will have to steal this idea for next year.
