Monday, December 6, 2010

CCC... Getting ready for Wrapping on Day 6

Today's task... taking packing paper and turning it into BEAUTIFUL Christmas wrapping paper.  I have a real soft spot for recycling, so I was very excited to get Sammy to paint and colour and stamp it for us.  I found out that Sam also has a passion for recycling and LOVE love loved painting this paper.  And eating paint, but that's beside the point!!!

If you are very lucky, you just might get the gift wrapped in this fabulous paper!

First RED... I love that he squats to paint!
Now for some GREEN and getting a little creative using fingers as a brush.
Gold and back to red, very hard at work.
Favorite picture of the bunch.  Covered from head to toe, literally, and loving every second of it.  It was at this point that I realized I had set up to make wrapping paper but forgot to set up to clean up after.  Luckily Sam was focussed and didn't even fuss over me bolting upstairs to get water and wash cloths.
Our masterpiece!

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