Sunday, December 12, 2010

Double Duty on Day 12

In looking at the calendar, I realized we are running out of time to have all the fun we can here in Calgary before Christmas.  So, we loaded up and headed out to the zoolights.  Perfect night for it, about +1 and not terribly busy.  Sam was into it for about 35 minutes and then things went south fast, but it was a fun time.  Definitely worth taking your little family (or your lover... or all on your own) to, as it's just a festive and fun time.  I did hear a girl beside me say that the people decorating obviously took too many mushrooms in the '70s, which I giggled at because the colour schemes are pretty wild... but wonderful.
Found it really difficult to capture how cool the lights looked.  Either I shot on auto and the flash drowned out the lights or I shoot on manual and couldn't be still enough to get a clear picture.  Hmmm... 
This was a super neat stop.  There was a light show to  "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas" complete with twinkling hippos.  Don't worry, the hippos were made of lights not live hippos decorated with lights.
This was a little area called "Snowball Alley".  Big exercise balls roped in with snow fence... brilliant!  Lots of fun pushing and kicking them!
Daddy took over the camera to make sure to get some shots of me with Sammy.
Bowling for Snowmen... another great use of exercise balls and left over styrofoam.  
Sam and his coach!
This is mid-kick, Sam's snowman bowling ball throwing secret technique.
This area was called 'Snigloo'.  Styrofoam blocks to create igloos or in Sam's case to throw and kick.  There was  a really great snigloo being built behind Sam... I was super nervous that he was going to run over and kick it!  What is a snigloo mean anyways...
Snigloo block toss, little something we came up with!
We found this guy at the zoo.  Sam just stared at him like this the entire time... he high fived and stared, waved and stared, and took this picture while staring.  
There is something about this shot that I love... Sam and I are the dark spot on the left of dragonfly.  Once again we struggled to find the perfect setting for taking good xmas light photos.
On our way out...

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